VSMod® is the software created to facilitate the application of the Organizational Cybernetics and more specifically the Viable System Model to the design or diagnosis of organizations from the point of view of their viability.

VSMod® helps, in first place, to design a new organization, by providing the means to create its structure and to guide the designer during the process of identification of the functions required for its viability, as well as the communication channels required by those functions to work properly. The other fundamental use is to help the diagnosis of any organization from the point of view of its viability.

VSMod® permits the following activities:

  • Creating a new VSM study or modifying an existing one.
  • Creating the structure of a complete system using as many recursion criteria as wished.
  • To navigate through the structure of the system
  • Visualising the complete detailed map of the VSM corresponding to the system-in-focus selected.
  • Adding information to the model in any format (text, audio, video, graphics, simulation models, links to web pages, etc.) and in every one of the VSM components (including communication channels, environments, etc.).
  • All the above-mentioned functions relating to the addition or visualisation of information may be carried out at each of the recursion levels identified for the model.
  • As well as many other features…